Green Concrete

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Efficient Green Concrete Products

Green Concrete Company is designed using the best quality raw materials and cement supplementary material in order to achieve and attain clients’ sustainability goals. Green Concrete Company primary ingredients are crushed aggregates, sand, water, cement, pozzolans, and chemical admixtures that produce high standard concrete products.

Efficient use of resources in concrete production

Commitment to use Recycled Materials

Maximizing the use of recycled material where practical

Development of low-energy, long-lasting yet flexible concrete batching plants

Green Concrete Company exhibits higher pumpability, higher long-term strength, and low heat of hydration, superior appearance, and low permeability

ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 45001:2018 Certefied




Green Concrete imperative that everyone follows the policies and guidelines to ensure their own safety and the safety of others around them.


Safety is one of the highest priorities within Green Concrete. It is imperative that everyone follows the policies and guidelines to ensure their own safety and the safety of others around them.


Research and decision sciences papers on sustainability and green industry.